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SEO Friendly blog need for windows website


New Member

I need someone who can put a SEO friendly (i.e not a wordpress solution) onto my website which is Windows server, ASP and MSSQL.
I need it to be as search engine friendly as possible (which is why a linked solution, or a wordpress solution) is not viable. The whole point of the blog is seo.

I need the blog to be updated by visitors, but that the posts are approved by me (and edited if required) before being posted.

There is also the possibility I may run a one question poll with this, the results of which will be hidden.

All quotes sought.

Kind regards
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
I was under the impression that Wordpress was a very search engine friendly solution albeit it's an add on. Am I missing something here? Really interested in what type of solution you come up with if it's something different as i'm about to launch something with SBF, so the solution is important.


New Member
Wordpress is brilliant if you have the right platform. My site is windows hosted, and is mssql and asp, apparently wordpress likes Php, and mysql.
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
Ahhh that explains it. Although I dont confess to know the difference between windows and linux myself.... until now :)

I hope Tom can come up with a solution for you and hopefully there will be a more people along soon to provide some other solutions.

Midas Media Associates Lt

New Member

I have over 8 years experience in the seo feild. You are right, word press is search engine friendly. What you need is a link building campaign.

James Williams

Midas Media Associates Ltd


New Member
Try some of these. When I was an ASP junkie I loved the 4GuysFromRolla site - always on the money.

In the end it might be worth just getting some low cost Linux hosting and using Wordpress. You could create a subdomain and use a DNS A record to point it at the hosting so your main site stays as is on Windoze and ASP.




New Member
I love the 4guys from Rolla site, so much useful stuff.

What do you mean cipher code snapper?

dot net blog engine is fantastic, runs on xml or MS SQL very easy to use and configure to your needs.


Brian McIntosh

New Member
Sorry, I was being pedantic. All this I.T. stuff can sound like a foreign language to me at times. What does all the above mean??? Enigma machine anyone?


New Member
sorry that completely went over my head :p

its like parseltongue from harry potter :D

I'll translate, MS SQL is Microsoft SQL Server, which is database software that is able to provide large numbers of users access to databases at one time (depending on the version)

XML is EXtensible Markup Language and was designed to carry and store data. The beauty of xml is that you can create your own code for it (if you like). SO i could say:

<body>Don't forget me the Edinburgh meetup on the 7th!</body>

This basically stores who the message is to, who its from, the subject and the message.

You then have an application that is programmed to understand it and it does what ever it needs to do with it.

Hope that helps :)