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Scottish Business Forums and Power Lunch Club join forces

Power Lunch Club

Power Lunch Club

New Member
On the 18th of June, the Power Lunch Club in association with the Scottish Business Forums will be running a very unique event.

The Directors Cut, between 12:00 and 02:00 pm, at the Express Holiday Inn, Picardy Place, Edinburgh

This event will also be run in Glasgow, on the 16th of July, the venue will be confirmed later

Around 100 company directors, business owners and managers with decision making powers will network together, exclusively over lunch.

We have designed and are working together on this unqiue project becaue have told us that it is crucial that right now they meet the right person at a networking event. who can decide about taking their products and services, meeting anyone else is a waste of their time.

Over the next week we will post more details about it....but in the meantime...

The cost of meeting together with 100 company directors will be £45....if you would like to book, email me and we will book you a place, stating which city you would like.

Kind regards

Gordon and
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