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Recommended bookkeeper

Canary Dwarf

Canary Dwarf

New Member
I just wanted to recommend a forum member after having made contact through the forums.

The relationship also demostrates how social media works in a business situation and the forums excel as a networking tool.

Gouldie0 followed me on Twitter some time in December, and recognising the name from SBF, I followed him back. Unaware of his area of business, I clicked on his website and discovered he was a bookkeeper, just what I was looking for locally, although I thought he would have been too busy to take on ew business so near to the self-assessment deadline.

But he was more than helpful, answering my queries quickly and accurately. He even called me organised, which came as a bit of a shock!

Anyway, he quoted me a fixed price before he started, did the job and billed me for the price he quoted.

I highly recommend Neil to anyone needing a bookkeeper.
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
It's nice to actually see proof that the forums actually work and do add value to people.

Well done to Neil and thanks for sharing Marc :)