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Recommend Insurance?



New Member
Can anyone recommend a good insurance company for Business insurance. I want to have this in place before I start up. What about premises, if I were to get any, what other insurances would I need?
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
I've heard great things about They do some amazing things creating resources for small businesses.

I really like the fact all documents are available online as well which means for certain businesses you can actually show your documents to clients etc.

I think as a starting point if you have premises you'll need public liability insurance as well as buildings and content cover. You may also need to look at employers liability if you will have staff operating from the premises.

Good luck with your search :)
Gemma Rowlands

Gemma Rowlands

New Member
I use AXA UK but will admit that I didn't do all that much research into it - because I had so many other things to think about at the time that I just wanted it sorting out, no matter how much it would cost me to do so. So I would be happy to hear about what you decided on, and hear how it's working for you, etc. Make sure that everything's covered that you need. Nothing's worse than finding a cheaper insurance, then finding that whatever you need they won't pay out for.


New Member
Can anyone recommend a good insurance company for Business insurance. I want to have this in place before I start up. What about premises, if I were to get any, what other insurances would I need?

Its depend on what type of business you're starting but most of the time general liability insurance cover all your need, you should get quotes from different provider and see what fit you and give you best coverage, Good Luck


New Member
When it comes to what is "best," everyone has a different answer. The only way to figure out what is right is to have a long talk with an independent life agent. He or she can help you get what you want because he or she has a wide range of carriers and prices to choose from, as well as knowledge of "special situations."


New Member
I recommend you the best insurance. First, I recommend convenience store insurance because it is a vital investment, offering comprehensive protection against theft, property damage, and liability. Providing financial security empowers store owners to navigate uncertainties, ensuring the smooth continuity of their business operations. I also get convenience store insurance from Convenience Insurance Firms in Georgia. They give us the best insurance coverage and competitive rates throughout the US.

Brandon Kooper

New Member
For business insurance, consider reputable companies like Hiscox, Nationwide, or State Farm. For premises, besides property insurance, you might need liability insurance and workers' compensation insurance.