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Questions to ask a marketing agency



New Member
Received a suggestion from a friend to work with this marketing agency Leeds to boost the visibility of my online business. Haven’t tried hiring this kind of agency before so I’m not sure what questions to ask during our initial meeting. Can you guys help me out? Thanks in advance.


Staff member
Hi Jennifer,

When you say marketing agency, is there a particular practice you are hiring for ? Such as PR, SEO, PPC, Online , offline ?


New Member
The first question you should ask the agency in what category of business they are ideal?
is it e-commerce, healthcare, technology or other?
The question should be like:
What types of companies do you serve, and in what industries or markets? Who is your ideal client, and why?
How long have you been in business? How do you manage fluctuations in demand?
How do you measure results?
Business Upside

Business Upside

• What types of companies do you serve, and in what industries or markets?
• What are the core capabilities of your agency?
• How would you describe your company culture?
• How long have you been in business?
• What is your mix of employees and contractors?


New Member
Well, ask them which is better: facebook or instagram, haha.


New Member
Be careful with them. Some agencies spend your money not efficiently.