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Princes Trust Charity Calendar Printing and Production



New Member
My name is amy roseburgh, and i recently joined lloyds banking group as a business specialist trainee. As part of this position i will be working with the Princes Trust with the aim of raising £10,000 for the charity over the next six months.

As you may be aware the princes trust works closely with british youths in disadvantaged situations who may be underacheiving. They help them work through both financial and situational difficulties in order to reach their full potential in life. Touching on these values, my first project was to create a charity fashion calendar, within which all the designs featured were created by young home grown talent within scotland, and all the models were young fresh unsigned faces.

the calendar is all set to go, shooting on wed and thurs 13th- 14th october 2010 in the edinburgh area. As all proceeds raised from the calendar will be going straight back to the trust, we managed to get every one from the photographer to the stylists to work for free.

however we have come across a stumbling block. production costs. this is where you come in. we are looknig to produce either an a4 landscape wall calendar, or an A5 standing spiral bound desk calendar, depending on what is cheaper.

i have done some fundraising for this calendar and so at the moment have around £1-£1.50 to spend on production of each unit. however ideally we would be looking someone who could print this for less or even for free with it being for charity.

its an ideal chance for you printers out there to get a great deal of exposure, but not only that, its the oppertunity to give back to the youth of today, to invest in their future, and to help a truelly great charity.

thank you