Now; much as the IPOD generation might view itself as the centre of the universe,
it isn't. Two years ago we were researching the possibility of designing an HN course around the podcasting phenomena. that, has been reigned back to a few specialist units on cross-platform compatibility. What's emerging from market research is that there are many pockets of consumer activity (including among the younger 15-25 year old range) where the Ipod is being actively rejected. The net result is a plethora of competing devices servicing a multitude of viewing and listening opportunities. Then there are listeners to whom the whole walkman-ipod (the two are essentially the evolutionary span of one device) is alien and has never been accepted. At executive level for instance a prestige presentation is one that very much has to be cross platform; While you might attract initial interest through a simple portable platform (phone ipod etc) ultimately that presentation will need to stand presentation on a high-end platform.
The implication of all that is that ANY media artefact which is produced needs to be able to be DOWN scaled (
quite specifically DOWNscaled and NOT upscaled) to meet the needs of a wide range of platforms. It may well be that you use that source material to produce platform-specific versions and even target specific versions. For instance it's fairly common for us to shoot a five minute company profile which will sit primarily as an intro on a website. We routinely do that in 1080i HD; NOT because it's necessary for the primary platform, but because the same material can be re-versioned time and time and time again for exhibition, point of sale or even broadcast.
This actually saves money in the long run as the client builds up an archive of material that can be moved transparently from one platform to another.
Now; only this week past I have picked up a new client who was left "looking like a complete ass" (his words; not mine :blush

because the allegedly pro company he'd had shoot his video had done so on standard definition using mpeg hard disc cameras! Looked fine on the website. Transferred to blu-ray and (supposedly) upscaled to 1080i for projection at a major international conference in Geneva it looked like what it was. A half-assed home movie!
It's done quite a bit of damage to his business especially since he IS a small business owner trying to break into a traditionally blue-chip market.
TO be fair to the producers his commission WAS for a web video; and that's what he got. But in fact it had cost him only £50 less that I've quoted him for its replacement! ...A replacement which is being made in full 1080i HD, is available to him on both PAL and NTSC standard definition DVD and whatever multimedia formats he might require....
The same would stand for audio only material. I have an acquaintance who wrote, produced and recorded an entire teaching series which he mastered out to mp3. 60 hours of edited recordings teaching Cantonese along the same lines as Pimsleur; probably 1200 hours of work.
He's now been approached to release the material commercially. But faces the daunting prospect of re-recording as his masters aren't good enough for transcription to CD. Can't be re-platformed due to compression issues and are no-where near the standard needed for broadcast....
SO I guess we won't be seeing him down the pub at the weekend for the next two years or so...

FWIW I don't thing there really
IS any valid Video Vs Audio argument. Neither platform is a 'one size fits all' answer to the question of how to communicate one's message.... Personally I turn customers away rather than be a party to them creating something that is either ill-conceived or inadequately executed. And if audio is
the correct platform for the particular message they wish to put out then that's the direction I'll point them in.