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Pitch & Putt Networking. Grow your business on the golf course.



New Member
Hello all.

I thought the golfers among you would be interested in a new networking club called Pitch & Putt Networking. I've just been appointed as their advertising agency so I hope you don't mind me promoting it here !

At the moment they're offering free trial membership so you can have a feel for the functions the website offers. The first event will take place in a couple of weeks in Edinburgh, with one in Glasgow the fortnight after.

Please take a look at the site for more information, Pitch & Putt Networking :: Scotland's Business Golf Networking Group


New Member
Re: Pitch & Putt Networking. Grow your business on the golf cours

I’m writing to extend an invitation for you to attend the PPN East Region Event on the 29th July, at Craigmillar Park Golf Club.

You’ll know from previous communications that Pitch & Putt Networking is an exclusive business-golf network for Scotland’s senior business professionals. The concept aims to give participants and members the opportunity to grow their professional network, whilst presenting an opportunity to establish new business opportunities…..on the Golf Course!

Event Booking link:
**Please note that all attendees will be required to take a trial membership of PPN. Trial membership is offered throughout the BETA phase of website development.**

If you have any questions or queries then please get in touch as we’d be delighted to welcome and look after you at the event. If there is anything specific that requires a discussion then please don’t hesitate to contact Richard Mackie on 0777 325 0218 who will be happy to assist you further.