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Networking Small Talk - Some tips

  • Thread starter Scottish Business Owner
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New Member
Thanks for the link! You would think that being a writer, I wouldn't run out of things to say, but I public speaking has never been my forte. I prefer to sit on the beach at Dunnet Bay, write and watch the surfers all day as opposed to talking to a lot of people.
Gemma Rowlands

Gemma Rowlands

New Member
Sarah - one of the many things that I do is writing, and I am always running out of things to say. And I always worry that if I bottle out and say "okay, got to go now" or something to walk to someone else, that might ruin my chances of actually making any successful contacts at all.

I like the question about charity events because I'm involved in a lot of those myself, so I would certainly be able to give interesting answers if that particular question was returned to me.


New Member
Networking events still strike fear into me! I find the walking into the room part the most difficult especially when you dont know anyone.

Then having to think what to say just makes it seem even more daunting. I like the idea of having maybe a little card with some questions on it to try and start some conversations. I might do that and add some of the tips from the post above.

Sandra x
Gemma Rowlands

Gemma Rowlands

New Member
Networking events still strike fear into me! I find the walking into the room part the most difficult especially when you dont know anyone.

Then having to think what to say just makes it seem even more daunting. I like the idea of having maybe a little card with some questions on it to try and start some conversations. I might do that and add some of the tips from the post above.

Sandra x

I know, me too. I will do anything I possibly can to make sure that I don't actually attend an event on my own. I will usually make sure that someone I know in the industry will be there, even if it's just someone who I vaguely know and can therefore aim for. I'm so socially awkward at times it's unreal, and very unhelpful in situations like these! Working from home definitely doesn't help matters!