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Lost Apprenticeship



New Member
If a person loses their apprenticeship due to poor performance, not handing in assignments and sometimes not even bothering to turn up to college .... is there a chance that he would be able to gain another apprenticeship now that he's older and wiser? He's certainly learnt his lesson and really regrets messing it up first time round.


New Member
It will be fine, just don't go back to the same training provider and I doubt it'll ever come up.


I guess there would be no problem, but if your son's future employer knows of his past record I doubt they would employ him - but you can only try.


New Member
A good idea would be able to prove commitment in something the potential apprentice has done in the meantime. You know regular volunteer at a charity shop, or always turns up for football practice or helps reliably with the junior football team or punctual and reliable employee in the deadly boring job held since or holds down a paper round or well there's lots of other things which someone could do to prove reliability and commitment.