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Link Building

  • Thread starter Employment Law Services
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Employment Law Services

Employment Law Services

EmployEasily Legal Services
In support of my ongoing SEO work I'm looking to enhance my existing link building plan but don't have the time to do it myself..........can anyone recommend a 'reputable' company that does link building?

Aware of the damage that could be caused by adding large numbers of links over a short period time, I'm looking for a roll-out plan that shows the volume and locations where the links would be added, including timescales.

Needless to say I'm only interested in building one way links on quality, relevant websites so no link exchanges, 3 way links or rubbish online directories.


New Member
There are many ways build links into your site and most SEO companies (including ourselves) provide link building services. In the past the main focus of any link building strategy has been on creating one way links from online directories and other associated sites. However the advent of social media these methods are becoming outdated and less effective as content sharing and recommendation offer up more 'natural' ways of creating inbound site links through.

Creating an online 'buzz' about your business is the key - build your website as:

- an authority in relation to your market
- highly relevant in relation to your market
- a reliable and trusted source of information
- an online source that people will happily recommend

focusing on the above objectives will ultimately drive quality traffic to your site which will readily convert.

Hope this helps - Gavin