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IT Student Survey



New Member
Hello everyone!

Hello I am a university student currently studying in my honours year. I doing research as to the importance of computer Operating Systems to SMEs. I have created a questionarrie on the following link:

If you work for an SME and have the time to complete this survey please do. It will not take long, and it mostly comprises of multiple choice questions.

Thank you very much,
You have a problem with the way this survey's set up. Questions 11 and 12 can only sensibly be responded to if a server based network is in use. Yet the survey won't allow these questions to go unanswered...

I didn't get any further with it...
Hi Mate, same problem with Q38... I just put a 'no' to get past it...

You need to watch if the unit you're doing is likely to pick the survey apart as an error like this can render your data 'statistically unsafe' and loose you marks.

Good luck with it.


All is well
If you are studying well you don't need any essay writing help but if you are studying and working that's another question