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Is Windows Essential On A Business Desktop?



New Member
I'm thinking for your standard office job, not so much creative arts. A lot of common programs need Windows to function. Would you ever consider another operating system for for business? If so, why?


New Member
I think it just makes the most sense. Mac and Linux can do a lot of amazing things, but too many employees would be unfamiliar with the OS, which could lower productivity.
First Display

First Display

New Member
Are these forums used anymore?

Thanks, Jamie Bowes, First Display, Edinburgh


In my opinion, opting for a Windows operating system seems like the most logical choice for our workplace. While Mac and Linux have their advantages, it's important to consider that many of our employees may not be as familiar with those systems, which could potentially result in a decrease in overall productivity. Choosing a system that the majority of our team is comfortable with can ensure that we are maximizing our efficiency and workflow.


New Member
If you're still looking, my company has strong skills in this area