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Interview in exchange for marketing consultation



New Member
Hi everyone!
I am a marketer looking for people to interview for my inner research (more details below). In exchange, I suggest a 45-minute marketing consultation. So, it’s a win-win proposition :)

Entrepreneurs or decision-makers in small or medium UK businesses who have previously ordered marketing analytics services.

If you need a 45-minute marketing consultation, I can help you within my area of expertise, for example, to brainstorm about new customer segments or market size estimation. After I finish my research (around 6-8 weeks),I will share marketing analytics solutions that I think might help you improve your business or products.
If you don’t need consultation, but are willing to participate in the interview, I would be grateful.

I want to talk to small and medium-sized businesses that hire outside marketing researchers. They can tell me that they need from marketers when they launch new products, enter new markets, or improve their current product.
I know that small and medium-sized companies have fewer recourses, more tasks for managers, smaller budgets, and few have researchers and analysts on their team.
As someone who has worked in marketing for over 15+ years, I also know that research (digging, looking at numbers, asking customers) gives a true picture of what’s happening in the market. Research can help you make informed decisions. This makes entrepreneurs and managers more confident and helps them avoid costly mistakes.
So, I would like to talk to real people to find a perfect fit solution – a market-research product for small and medium businesses that will solve their problems considering their capabilities.

I am a marketer with over 15 years of experience, specializing in market research for the last 10 years. As a project manager and managing partner in a marketing agency, I conducted 84 market research projects for 70+ products in 55 countries between 2018-2022. I have worked on projects for small startups, manufacturing companies with million-dollar turnover, or governmental organizations.
I live in Oslo and plan to start a business in the English-speaking market.

Contact me if you are interested in participating in the interview AND ordered marketing analytics services before.
It would be great to be mutually beneficial :)
Have a nice day!

Best regards,
Maria Jonsson
CEO/Founder Mariia Jonsson Market Research