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... I want to start an affiliate marketing business.



If you want to jump into this sector, you need to do your own research and get some advice from professionals. I feel like you’re asking, but you’re not passionate about it. My advice is to be specific to stand out amongst the countless other websites today. Instead of tackling a broad niche like food, go for something a bit narrower, like grilling. This helps you build a more focused audience and may also help with SEO.

Ask yourself some questions like what am I good at? What do I like doing? What am I curious about? What do other people tell me I’m good at? Affiliate marketing can be done on any platform - website, YouTube, social media, newsletter, or podcast. Choose based on your and your niche's preference. However, building a website and using SEO is recommended for consistent search traffic and clicks on affiliate links.

Are you joining a marketing company or are you going to employ people? If you’re employing people, you’re better off using recruitment agencies as they make the process easier for you. Also we do need more information about how many employees your going to employ or how your business is going to expand.


New Member
I'm trying this as well, It seems like a looooong, slow build. But I am hoping once I start seeing success this will tick over with just a little effort.