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Hubspot: Marketing Personas

  • Thread starter Scottish Business Owner
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Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
I've linked to a brilliant article below from Hubspot regarding marketing personas. It's hard to describe in a post but read the article and see what you think.

Hubspot have a great book called Inbound Marketing that really changed the way I think about how I blog etc. It's a great site which over huge amounts of free content. I'm pretty sure that everyone who has marketing challenges on this site would benefit from visiting the site and having a look around.

It would be interesting to hear how people actually work out who they are selling to as part of their marketing plan. I think it's an area alot of people get wrong and they end up chasing things that just wont yield any results.


New Member
Interesting stuff especially i like the way it is presented and optimised, smart work done.

Thanks for sharing.


New Member
I've linked to a brilliant article below from Hubspot regarding marketing personas. It's hard to describe in a post but read the article and see what you think.

Hubspot have a great book called Inbound Marketing that really changed the way I think about how I blog etc. It's a great site which over huge amounts of free content. I'm pretty sure that everyone who has marketing challenges on this site would benefit from visiting the site and having a look around.

It would be interesting to hear how people actually work out who they are selling to as part of their marketing plan. I think it's an area alot of people get wrong and they end up chasing things that just wont yield any results.
You're totally right. I recently hired Book Writing Cube to ghostwrite and market my book. I had read this article before and asked relevant questions about it. it helped me to understand their marketing stance way more clearly. I'd recommend everyone to conduct business with them. I've had a very pleasant experience.