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How to start a web design project



New Member
I’m having a bit of a crisis here as it’ll be my first time hiring a web design professional to create a site for my small clothing business. I don’t know what things should I consider or must not forget for the project. Can anyone give me some tips? What particular questions should I ask the designer to ensure that everything will go smoothly?
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New Member
Cost to design and build, timescales, ease of updates, annual costs, SEO. Examples of previous work and examples of SEO successes with testimonials


New Member
Study your competitors and make a detailed list of their features and what you like about them, give your new designer a list of sites you like and the reasons why.


New Member
Try to do sites for your friends, or for famous markets and promote it, add to your portfolio, use freelance platforms. dont care about it's small project or big - do your best!


New Member
You should know what you want to design and develop otherwise, you will waste money on everything.