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In his book The Winning Attitude, John C. Maxwell, noted author and speaker tells us that attitude is:
The “advance man” of our true selves
Has inward roots but outward fruits
Is our best friend or worst enemy
Is more honest and more consistent than our words
Is an outward look based on past experiences
Is a think which draws people to us or repels them
Is never content until it is expressed
Is the librarian of our past
Is the speaker of our present
Is the prophet of our future
Whilst the above is true but absolutely pointless unless we can apply it to bring about changes in our attitude, or our willingness to try and think positively most of the time.
We should not put off our thoughts on positive thinking. It is said that 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' ........... What if that's true?
Our attitude affects many people - from our friends and family to the stranger we smile at in the supermarket or petrol station.
'An optimist will see opportunity in difficulties, while a pessimist will see difficulty in opportunities'.
We must choose which of the above we will focus on: if we choose poorly, we condition ourself to a difficult uphill struggle to achieve our goals and be successful. Count on that.
Simply put.......... Good attitude - good results .......poor attitude - poor results and it naturally follows that if we have a great attitude then we will see great results.
So how do we begin to think positively if we’re a natural pessimist?
I don’t really believe there ARE natural pessimists, just people who have been taught how to consider the darkest side of every cloud, who let the dark in no matter what happens.
If they won they lottery they would be worried in case they lost the money rather than think positively on the changes it would make to their lives and of those around them.
We cannot change the fact that a problem exists, but we can do a lot to determine what the opportunity is within that problem. Begin to see that problems are a fact of life and that our job is to find a way over, around, under, or through them—as quickly as possible.
When we’re upbeat and consider how quickly a problem will be behind us, it’s easy to be optimistic.
Cynicism is another killer when it comes to attitude. It’s a cousin of pessimism - it considers everything suspect and everyone as having an ulterior motive.
It never looks at someone doing us a favour just to be nice, it always considers that there is a reason we are being done a favour and looks suspiciously at the motivation of the person who’s giving it.
Cynicism comes from having unrealistic expectations. Many people expect great and wonderful things to happen to them with little-to-no work on their parts. They expect things to fall from the sky in to their laps.
When it doesn’t happen as they expect, they become suspicious of others who have achieved success and ultimately, cynical.
We must harness the power of our thoughts and words when setting our course for success. Use positive affirmations daily: remind ourself that a stumbling block is temporary and that we can and will overcome it; admit to ourself that we have potential and are able to move on when others cannot; redifining our vision for our life and our goals.
As we discipline ourself daily to do this, we will find optimism and positive thinking will soon be chasing us down the street. Negativity becomes a thing of the past.
And who couldn’t use these two friends when we’re aiming for success?
Quote of the Day: "If a man is after money, he's money mad; if he keeps it, he's a capitalist; if he spends it, he's a playboy; if he doesn't get it, he's a ne-er-do-well; if he doesn't try to get it, he lacks ambition. If he gets it without working for it; he's a parasite; and if he accumulates it after a life time of hard work, people call him a fool who never got anything out of life."
Vic Oliver
The “advance man” of our true selves
Has inward roots but outward fruits
Is our best friend or worst enemy
Is more honest and more consistent than our words
Is an outward look based on past experiences
Is a think which draws people to us or repels them
Is never content until it is expressed
Is the librarian of our past
Is the speaker of our present
Is the prophet of our future
Whilst the above is true but absolutely pointless unless we can apply it to bring about changes in our attitude, or our willingness to try and think positively most of the time.
We should not put off our thoughts on positive thinking. It is said that 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' ........... What if that's true?
Our attitude affects many people - from our friends and family to the stranger we smile at in the supermarket or petrol station.
'An optimist will see opportunity in difficulties, while a pessimist will see difficulty in opportunities'.
We must choose which of the above we will focus on: if we choose poorly, we condition ourself to a difficult uphill struggle to achieve our goals and be successful. Count on that.
Simply put.......... Good attitude - good results .......poor attitude - poor results and it naturally follows that if we have a great attitude then we will see great results.
So how do we begin to think positively if we’re a natural pessimist?
I don’t really believe there ARE natural pessimists, just people who have been taught how to consider the darkest side of every cloud, who let the dark in no matter what happens.
If they won they lottery they would be worried in case they lost the money rather than think positively on the changes it would make to their lives and of those around them.
We cannot change the fact that a problem exists, but we can do a lot to determine what the opportunity is within that problem. Begin to see that problems are a fact of life and that our job is to find a way over, around, under, or through them—as quickly as possible.
When we’re upbeat and consider how quickly a problem will be behind us, it’s easy to be optimistic.
Cynicism is another killer when it comes to attitude. It’s a cousin of pessimism - it considers everything suspect and everyone as having an ulterior motive.
It never looks at someone doing us a favour just to be nice, it always considers that there is a reason we are being done a favour and looks suspiciously at the motivation of the person who’s giving it.
Cynicism comes from having unrealistic expectations. Many people expect great and wonderful things to happen to them with little-to-no work on their parts. They expect things to fall from the sky in to their laps.
When it doesn’t happen as they expect, they become suspicious of others who have achieved success and ultimately, cynical.
We must harness the power of our thoughts and words when setting our course for success. Use positive affirmations daily: remind ourself that a stumbling block is temporary and that we can and will overcome it; admit to ourself that we have potential and are able to move on when others cannot; redifining our vision for our life and our goals.
As we discipline ourself daily to do this, we will find optimism and positive thinking will soon be chasing us down the street. Negativity becomes a thing of the past.
And who couldn’t use these two friends when we’re aiming for success?
Quote of the Day: "If a man is after money, he's money mad; if he keeps it, he's a capitalist; if he spends it, he's a playboy; if he doesn't get it, he's a ne-er-do-well; if he doesn't try to get it, he lacks ambition. If he gets it without working for it; he's a parasite; and if he accumulates it after a life time of hard work, people call him a fool who never got anything out of life."
Vic Oliver