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How to account for materials used



New Member
Hi as a handyman if you buy paint, wallpaper or say copper piping to do a job and you buy it specifically for that one job and not to keep it as a stock, you then get paid for the labor and for the cost of that material, where do you put the material expense so it does not go against your taxable allowance as you made no profit on the material, because customer effectively paid for it. Does it go under cogs? Expenses?

Brandon Kooper

New Member
Hi. You should consult with an accountant for specific advice, but typically, materials purchased for a specific job would be categorized as part of the job's expenses, not as part of your cost of goods sold (COGS).


New Member
"Hello! This question seems to bring up an important topic for contractors and maintenance professionals alike. When purchasing materials for a specific job and earmarking them for that single task, correctly classifying these costs becomes crucial to avoid undue tax burden. Generally, material costs can be categorized as part of direct job expenses, but this depends on the local tax context and the specific details of the work. It's always advisable to consult a local accountant or tax advisor to ensure full compliance with laws and maximize the benefits of available tax exemptions."


New Member
Před pár dny jsem koupil nový dům v Praze. Nyní potřebuji koupit nový nábytek do mého domu. Pro tento účel hledám v Praze montáž sekčního nábytku, která mi zajistí nábytek té nejvyšší kvality. Pokud někdo zná nějakou nejlepší společnost, tak se se mnou laskavě podělte


New Member
Hi, think of it like this, if you buy groceries for someone else's dinner, you wouldn't pay taxes on that, right? Same idea here. The money you spend on supplies isn't yours to be taxed on.

If this all seems a bit confusing, don't worry! talking to a tax person can help. they can explain it all in the official tax lingo, but the basic idea is to keep good records and not count someone else's money as your own.