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How the millionaire made their millions...

Power Lunch Club

Power Lunch Club

New Member
Here is what was enclosed in a email that I received recently... thought you guys might like it...

How The Millionaires Made Their Millions

You do want to know how to earn a million pounds, don't you? This article may challenge some of your beliefs about millionaires. I will suggest you read it with an open mind, digest what is being discussed here and apply them for six months.

Wealth is in the mind

Firstly, see the million dollars in your mind. Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich said, "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

Millionaires see the money in their mind before they make them physically. They visualise making the millions in their mind. They focus their mind and energy in making that money rather than the lack of money.

Your thought sends out intention on what you focus on. You attract what you focus. The more energy is focused on money, the more you will have it. Likewise focusing your mind on lacking of money will attract the lack of money.

Ask yourself, did you focus on the amount of money left in your bank at the end of the month and starts to get worried about it? That's probably is the reason why you remains stagnant in your financial result. You focus on lack, instead on abundance.

Your mind is a powerful tool to attract wealth. However, it can also be a powerful tool for poverty. Use it wisely, see it in your mind and believe it strongly.

Think hard

Most will say millionaires work hard. I disagree with it. If working hard brings you enormous money, there won't be too many poor people in the world. There are billions of people who worked very hard, but they are no where near being a millionaire.

Well, it's true millionaires invest 60-70 hours a week in creating wealth, but it may not be true that they are physically working. I would suggest that instead of working hard, they are thinking hard.

They are thinking of ways to create more money. Creating new ideas and solution for any challenges.

Give generously

Most people have the mindset that the rich are stingy. That’s absolutely not true. Some of the rich are probably the most generous people in the world. Warren Buffet gives away all his money. Bill Gates donated millions away.

Start giving today with no expectation of returns.


New Member
Vision, Mission and Act- these three steps may leads you to achieve your target.