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How important is online presence to a business?



New Member
Присутствие в Интернете может быть чрезвычайно важным для определенных видов бизнеса, особенно для торговых компаний и компаний, занимающихся онлайн-трейдингом, которые ищут аудиторию в Интернете. Веб-сайт вашей компании - это не просто визитная карточка для посетителей и клиентов; это также источник потенциальных клиентов и партнеров. Вот почему так важно не только правильно оформить и внешний вид вашего сайта, но также и технические аспекты: исходный код, ключевые слова и поисковая оптимизация.
Другими словами, чтобы увеличить количество посетителей (включая потенциальных клиентов),важно соблюдать определенные правила и рекомендации при разработке веб-сайта. Даже сайт с плохим визуальным оформлением может принести больше клиентов и дохода, чем сайт высокого класса с хорошим брендом, если все сделано правильно.
Как вы думаете, у вас есть бизнес-сайт?


New Member
Online presence can be extremely important for certain types of businesses, especially for trading and online trading companies seeking an audience on the internet. Your company's website does more than just serve as a business card for visitors and clients; it is also a source of potential clients and partners. That is why it’s so important not only to get the design and appearance of your site right, but also the technical aspects: source code, keywords and search engine optimisation.
In other words, in order to increase the number of visitors (including potential clients),it is important to follow certain rules and guidelines when developing a website. Even a visually poorly designed site can bring in more clients and income than a high-end, well-branded designer one, if everything is done correctly.


New Member
Online presence can be extremely important for certain types of businesses, especially for trading and online trading companies seeking an audience on the internet. Your company's website does more than just serve as a business card for visitors and clients; it is also a source of potential clients and partners. That is why it’s so important not only to get the design and appearance of your site right, but also the technical aspects: source code, keywords and search engine optimisation.
In other words, in order to increase the number of visitors (including potential clients),it is important to follow certain rules and guidelines when developing a website. Even a visually poorly designed site can bring in more clients and income than a high-end, well-branded designer one, if everything is done correctly.
thanks for the info


New Member
In 2024, without a proper online presence a business can only do so much. It is simple, oer 4 billion people from first- and second-word countries are online. I would say you are missing out on 90% of your business's potential if you lack online presence.