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How do you know if a business idea will work?



New Member
So I basically run through business ideas in head over time. After subjecting some to some thought, practicalities, perceived difficulties and critical analysis I bin some ideas as either in some way unworkable, too much trouble to reward, not all that great in some way, etc.

That leaves me with a few that might possibly work but I still don't really know that they will or it's just me hoping, etc.

I know there's market research and financial workings out and predictions but a lot of that can be still theoretical and not necessarily a given once in the field. People tend to be over optimistic as they hope their business idea will work are my thoughts. I myself have done this trying a number of small ventures in the past that haven't worked out. Doesn't really matter what they were but I like to think I've learnt a little about potential pitfalls in a business idea though by no means meaning I'm necessarily up to realising where I need to be to know if it's likely a business idea will work.

In the past I've invested some money in the hope that a business idea will work and kind of not got back even quite what I put in. Cost of experience I guess and my losses weren't too bad but I would rather not be in that position again. So I guess the extended question is really, 'How do you know a business idea is worth committing serious money too?'

It's not really any big business concern I'm considering reality just something that will turn enough profit to live on and be worthwhile running the business. I just don't want to be sat there with money sunk in and then struggling to sell my product if you know what I mean.


New Member
Hey, I totally get where you're coming from. You can never be 100% sure if a business idea is going to work out. One thing you can do before going all-in is to start with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Test it in the market on a small scale and get real customer feedback. That way, you can validate your idea without breaking the bank. Also, keep an eye on your competitors, sometimes you can learn from their mistakes and successes.