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Helpful Tips to Improve Your Web Presence


New Member
Hello, I found a great post the other day. It is 101 Tips to Improve Your Web Presence. Some of you might have read, but some may not. These tips are useful, effective and easy. Hope it helps you increase your website traffic.

nothing does

nothing does

New Member
Fantastic list, Some great comments. However point 46 if you have a flash into REMOVE IT! they are a waste of time and really screw up SEO.


New Member
God i hate flash intro websites,

and splash pages!!!

God i hate flash intro websites,

and splash pages!!!


Actually I just hate Flash websites....

SO many of them seem to be unavigable.. Often they'll just snare up a slowish computer...

They work for some things; But for most business websites I think they're just obstructive...
28 Get a custom t-shirt made with your website url on it, and wear it often.
29 Ask a large breasted lady to wear one too.
30 Book a dentist well in advance, as broken teeth are painful

....On a nearly similar note does anyone know a vinyl cutter who'll do a nice cheap logo for the spare wheel cover of my Land Rover?
Thanks Stuart; I may well give him a call as I've also a notion to get some mugs and coasters at some point...

I was thinking more the sort of outfit that does stick-on vehicle graphics...

I fancy having the logo and website address on the wheel cover, maybe something similar on the doors and bonnet...


New Member
Have you met the web designers' old friend, Budd Ugly?


It's a parody site dedicated to memorialising the worst of web design.


New Member
here are some tips:
  1. Mobile Optimization:
    • Ensure your website is mobile-friendly for a seamless user experience on various devices.
  2. Social Media Presence:
    • Establish and maintain a strong presence on relevant social media platforms.
    • Share your content, engage with your audience, and participate in discussions.
  3. Build Backlinks:
    • Earn high-quality backlinks from reputable websites to improve your site's authority.


New Member
Where's the site itself? I'd like to remember for interest what was written about it 15 years ago)