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Fully Funded Digital Marketing Course For Businesses & Residents In Scotland



New Member
Do you run your own business and need further training in Digital Marketing?

Digital Skills Scotland is an initiative set up through the Scottish Funding Council with Edinburgh College & Glasgow Kelvin College.

The initiative is set up to help people register on a fully funded course in Digital Marketing.

This is a 8-12 week Online course covering areas such as Understanding SEO, Social Media Marketing & Creating Digital Content.

As this is fully funded, there is no cost to Scottish Businesses & Residents.

To find out more, please email or call 0800 2 54 50 51


New Member
Hey guys, I'm new here, but I couldn't help but chime in. I know this post is from a while ago, but thanks for sharing! I wish I had seen it earlier because I could really use a course like this for my own business.