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Free Book



New Member
Thank you and Stuart for the book which arrived safely this morning. It was very kind of you to send it and I'll look forward to reading it (and learning from it) as marketing myself is not one of my strong points.

Thanks again, it is much appreciated.

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Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
Ladies you are more than welcome! :)

I genuinely did get help from both these books so if they help you in any way then thats a big positive. I sometimes think that the best thing about books is passing them on so that someone else can enjoy them.

We'll be back with another book giveaway soon and if anyone has any other ideas as to other things we could do to get more people involved then we are open to all suggestions. :)
Craig Bedworth

Craig Bedworth

New Member
Popped you a message, .

I got my book in the post a few days ago. Thanks very much.
Looking forward to getting down to read it this weekend :)
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