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Fraudulent transaction help



New Member
Hi we run a timber business. Last week my husband took an order over the phone, delivered the goods (£2000 value) and we’ve now been contacted by Barclaycard who provide our chip and pin services to say that the transaction was fraudulent. The goods are obviously long gone. Barclaycard have recovered the payment from us leaving us circa £2000 out of pocket at a time when business is far from easy.

He did not enter the postcode when when he took the payment so Barclaycard have suggested this is on us. Has anyone experienced similar? Could we reclaim on our insurance? Raise a crime reference with police etc? It seems unfair that we suffer when we didn’t set out to commit fraud!! Wondering if we have any options to recover the loss. We’ve been trading for many years and this is a new scenario to us. Any experience/advice much appreciated.