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Every now and again

  • Thread starter johnthesearcher
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New Member
When involved in conversation with business colleagues and friends it's amazing how some of them overlook even the most basic form of 'communications'

Whether your preferred communication medium is verbal or visual .......'what you say is not always what they hear'

Of particular importance - especially when dealing with prospective or new clients/customers is to get into the habit of replacing the words ........I, me and mine with you and yours.

Words are important.

Sometimes you hear something and you feel the need to share it with your friends and colleagues.....well here's some thoughts for today.

The six most important words are ... I admit I could be wrong

The five most important words are ... You did a good job

The four most important words are ... What is your opinion

The three most important words are ... If you want

The two most important words are ... Thank you

The most important word is ... WE

The least important word is ... I

It doesn't do any of any harm to remind ourselves of this often.

Have a great day

John: 001_tt2: