I've built an email list via SBF and SBB that's fully opted in. This is now in excess of 3000 subscribers at last count. I email to this list digests of new posts on both the sites that I THINK these people will find interesting. Would you call that spam?
No. That's not spam, precisely because the subscribers have an existing relationship with you, and they have explicitly opted in to receive the type of message that you are sending. It's not the same as building a list of recipients who have had no dealings with you before and have possibly never even heard of your company.
By the way, the fact that there are 3,000 subscribers on your list is not really relevant. My argument would apply equally if there were 300 or 30,000.
I actually dont see any problem in a B2B context of sending an unsolicited email to a potential client who could utilise your services as long as it's done sincerely.
Well, it's you who is making the decision about whether the recipient is a potential client, and whether he can use your services - and of course you will only ever do it sincerely. I agree that it's nowhere near as bad as sending out millions of messages to random email addresses. But it's still spammy.
It's just the same surely as sending a piece of direct mail, ....
It's a funny thing. But people don't get so hot and bothered about traditional direct mail (the paper kind) as they do about email. I don't know why. You'd think they would prefer email spam than the paper kind, if only because it's less effort to hit the Delete button than it is to pick up a letter from the doormat and carry it to the recycling box.
Personally, I generally at least glance at most direct mail items before discarding them, and sometimes even read them right through, but I would rarely do that with an unsolicited email. I know it's not logical, but there you are.
Just my humble opinion, for what it's worth.