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Does this appeal to YOU?


New Member
OK. I'm braced, i have my hard hat on :sad::001_unsure:

What do YOU think of this website? (its only a mock up, not finished yet)

As it says, the website is for Scottish Businesses (and people) that are sending parcels on a pay as you go basis. Specifically targeting those in mainland highlands where most of the carriers charge a surcharge.

(Not that most of the carriers seem to know where the highlands are, I got told by one company that I lived in the highlands, and I'm south of Glasgow!!)

So, I guess what i'm asking is does the website have kerb appeal for you?

Many thanks


New Member
I've been looking at potentially offering a mailorder service through my shop although it's likely only going to be for subscription customers.
I like the general look and feel of the website although until it's functional I can't really comment on how the overall experience is.
1 minor thing, even with my screen size set to 1440 x 990 the website gives me horizontal scrolling bars. Might be worth setting the page width to 98% rather than the 100% currently used.

Edited to add -

In comparison to the Boxby website I prefer this new one, simply down to colour scheme. I'm just not that keen on Yellow :)
Mike Lewis

Mike Lewis

New Member

Looks good, to my inexpert eye. It's all very clear -- not cluttered, and free from annoying animations. Colours look fine too.

One small point on the wording. You have some text that says: "Send a parcel elsewhere in Scotland" (my italics). Maybe I'm nitpicking, but it's not clear what the means. Elsewhere from what? Surely, all parecels are sent to "elsewhere". I appreciate the text isn't final, so maybe this comment's not relevant.

Good luck with the site.



New Member
Are you suitably braced... then I shall begin. Just kidding it looks good to me, I have two comments though. The blue text used in the logo does not stand out from the background, try adding a 1 pixel stroke in white or near white around the text to really make your brand/company name stand out.

I understand that this is a mock-up and that things will likely change, as it stands though, the main headline reads “Why pay over the odds?” Unless you are offering a significant price reduction in comparison to other small business competitors this type of headline could potentially work against you. Try thinking along the lines of how your business benefits others and use that as your main headline/USP. Federal Express got it right when they come up with “When it absolutely, positively has to be there”.
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
I would agree with Peter I find myself being drawn to the blue backgroup as the yellow and blue central block looks a bit dull and doesn't stand out enough.

I think for Call to action it's a great example of how to do it. It's very clear what you want people to do on that page. It's not too text heavy either and there's planty of white space so it's not cluttered. Navigation is clear also. I really like it :)
Employment Law Services

Employment Law Services

EmployEasily Legal Services
Hi Sandra - I really like it. Looks like it will have a nice flow to it and is very easy to use / understand.

One thing you might want to consider is using navy blue, at least for the text. I found my eyes straining to read the text.

Also, what about incorporating a memory hook for your site/business, perhaps in the header? Something like........The Scottish Parcel Company, we';; delivery anything except babies........ :001_unsure:

Well, you get the idea..........


New Member
Thanks for the comments. Its very handy to have the target market at hand for feedback. The "why pay over the odds" bit is trying to aim at the fact that most of Scotland is charged a surcharge. But i see your point, i'll try to re-word it a bit.

And I think we'll change "elsewhere" to "within". (What we really mean is scotland to scotland deliveries, but I think that's just as confusing).

I think most points in the comments above will be incorporated. Thanks. Keep 'em coming!!
Mike Lewis

Mike Lewis

New Member

Yes ... "within Scotland" is much clearer.



New Member
On a 1024 x 768 screen the important stuff (click here to send a parcel, send a parcel now etc) is off screen. When you consider it's only off the screen because of an abstract image and a gap at the top of the screen I'd say you could, without starting over, make this a lot more effective with little effort.

If you set your screen at 1024 x 768 (or use the handy Firefox re-sizer) and scroll to the bottom (so you no longer see the banner etc) I actually think it's got more impact.

All just my humble opinion of course.



New Member
I think that maybe due to the fact that its just at mockup stage, but I will put it on the list. Thank you kindly for your humble opinions!