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Do you want web training in your area?

Canary Dwarf

Canary Dwarf

New Member
We are planning to tour Scotland later this year, with a series of workshops aimed at website owners, and we would like to hear from any interested individuals or businesses that want something in their area.

Prices will be very reasonable, but there is no commitment required at this stage, so please contact us to say what area you would like them in. The content will depend on demand, so please say what you would like the workshops to cover.

We have already had interest in running WordPress courses in Edinburgh, Ullapool and Gairloch, so we are very likely to have these on the menu once version 3 is fully released. We don't know of anyone else offering such courses to business owners, and we believe they will offer excellent value.

A bit of background:

Before adapting my media career from print to web, I was involved in a lot of software training. At the Oban Times, I provided training for editorial and advertising staff when the company switched to a PC-based editorial system. The company then expanded its publishing network out to Edinburgh. At Scottish Provincial Press more recently, I designed and delivered group and one-to-one training courses for new and promoted editorial staff on a Mac-based publishing system. Later, I was closely involved with the training of staff across the Highlands and Moray when the company introduced a brand new £300,000 multimedia publishing system.

More information about our training and workshops is available at Web strategies with design, SEO, ecommerce, CMS, usability | Canary Dwarf, Moary, Scotland

Or join us on our social network. We are happy to help. If you have any questions, just ask:

01309 255003

Canary Dwarf | Facebook
Canary Dwarf (Canary_Dwarf) on Twitter

Marc Hindley | Facebook
Marc Hindley (MarcHindley) on Twitter

Susie SEO (Susie_H) on Twitter