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Do you regret starting your own business?



Active Member
I have worked for myself for more than 10 years now, offering online content services and it is very much a way of life now. There have been ups and downs, it can get lonely, and there is nobody to fall back on but I wish I had done this years ago.

In hindsight would you have done anything different?


If I had my time again I would have done one thing differently, I would have started my own business much much sooner :)


Personally I would find it near impossible to go back to a standard 9-5 job working for someone else. I am my own boss and it is up to me to do the work. If I dont do it then I dont get paid, simples :)


I don't know for certain if this is true but I think that the majority of self-employed people tend to have a higher job satisfaction rating because generally the business they choose is a passion of theirs. Would you agree?


I think the only major downside is having to work weekends and then the potential reduction in income when you go on holiday. Then we look at sick pay, mmmmmmm maybe there is some downside lol

Karen Chen

New Member
Nope. But it is not for everyone. Some people are more suitable to work for others while others may want to have their own business. In short, whatever one feels comfortable and happy with.


New Member
I just saw your post, and it's interesting to hear about your journey. Reflecting on what might have been different, one thing that could have helped is having a solid system in place to manage your business operations from the start.


New Member
For instance, a CRM tool could have made a big difference. It helps streamline various aspects of business management, from tracking client interactions to organizing tasks and data. Sometimes, having the right tools can make the journey a bit smoother and more manageable.