I must admit...
I am intensely irritated by those that advocate following thought leee-eee-eee-daa-aa-aahs like a bunch of brain-dead sheep. And my cringe muscle is well developed from having sat through and read much of the interminable stream of prime fertiliser that streams from the 'business guru' movement.
I'm told it's unusual that I'm quite happy to express that sort of thing freely; and have no difficulty calling out 'naked Emperors' and their tailors.
In terms of a business model, I haven't felt the need to feign 'leadership' by (for instance) plying people with drink, feeding them cupcakes or promise them a game of pirates in order to push a sale. Nonsense like this (which is a fair example of where the leadership/guru cult-head is generally at) isn't 'disruptive' - it's just childish and normally a mask for incompetence.
In fact our strategy is to adopt processes and protocols which satisfy broadcast requirements. And we do that to protect the customer's interests - there
are business risks associated with producing any kind of media for business. The particular workflow/project management process was developed (by me) during my time as a college lecturer; and is designed not only to ensure legal compliance - but meet the relevant SQA assessment standards. It's structured around Prince-II principles, and compatible with (though not certified as such) ISO9001 Quality Assurance standards.
...It's the standard I taught to my HND students. And it's the minimum I would expect any credible professional. In doing so, I don't profess mine is the 'way the truth and the life' and expect to be followed slavishly. But I do know that most of my 'competition' basically don't know the job, and eventually go under; often leaving devastation in their wake.
Is that leading or following or just getting on with it? I dunno!