What happens if I have somebody aged 18 or over other than my partner living with me? Non-dependants are usually adult sons, daughters, other relatives or friends who live in the person claiming housing benefit's household on a non-commercial basis.
Housing benefit will normally be reduced if a non-dependant lives in the household.
There is an expectation that non-dependants will make a contribution towards their costs including rent, council tax and food, etc.
The amount they pay towards the above is not taken in to account and instead standard deductions are made from the housing benefit entitlement.
The standard deductions which are set by the government were increased from April 2011.
Cases where no non-dependant deduction is made No non-dependant deductions will be made if the claimant or their partner:
- is blind or has recently regained their site
- receives the care component of disability living allowance payable at any rate
- receives attendance allowance payable at any rate
Also no deduction is made where the non-dependant:
- is aged under 18 years of age
- is aged under 25 years old and getting Jobseekers Allowance (income based) or Income Support
- is in the assessment phase of Employment and Support Allowance (income related)
- is receiving Pension Credit
- is a student
- is a youth trainee
- is in prison
- has been in hospital for 52 weeks or more
Non-dependant deductions housing benefit April 2012 deductions April 2013 deductions
Aged 25 or over and on IS/JSA (IB),or aged 18 or over and not in remunerative work £11.45 £13.60
In receipt of main phase ESA (IR) £11.45 £13.60
In receipt of Pension Credit Nil Nil
Not in receipt of main phase ESA (IR) rate Nil Nil
Aged 18 or over and in remunerative work Nil Nil
Gross income less than £122 £11.45 £13.60
Gross income not less than £122 but less than £180 £26.25 £31.25
Gross income not less than £180 but less than £234 £36.10 £42.90
Gross income not less than £234 but less than £310 £59.05 £70.20
Gross income not less than £310 but less than £387 £67.25 £79.95
Gross income not less than £387 £73.85 £87.75