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Discount to Scottish Businesses in Edinburgh



Active Member
Hey all.

For those of you in Edinburgh, we're offering a 20% discount on all of our products and services!

This offer is for a limited time only, so get it whilst it's good!

We've worked for a few prestegious companies in the last few months, is yours going to be the next one?

Offer Expires on 12/05/2008.

When calling/e-mailing, please provide your Scottish Business Forums username, and quote: "SBF".


Active Member
Other than price, why should someone go to you lofty? :)
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
I actually meant to post this earlier. Our office has 3 desktops and one server (small business server). Also want to get a new desktop machine and have been looking at an HP DX2250 2GB RAM minimum. What would a support contract for something like this cost?


New Member
reliability, service with a smile. besides I was only being banterious.

If you want me to be serious then fine.

The above post (#2) contains terms and conditions. ask for more info.


Active Member
Hi ,

The HP machine I can easily quote you on:

It comes with XP Professional (better than Vista;))
HP DX2250, 2GB RAM 160GB HDD :) -
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Active Member
When you say "reliability", would one be able to get you out at any time of the day throughout the week? :)

Oh, and I think wants that machine for your 30% price ;)
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New Member
ok Ill admit now I dont really do business support. more of a residential IT Guy. can support businesses but only off peak.
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
So no 30% saving off Stuarts quote then :p


New Member
I know lol. oh well. thats why I didnt start a new thread. I could beat it but my service times wouldnt be of much use.


New Member
like that bt it support advert, the boys off golfing whenever you need it support. think it was gordon ramsey but wasnt too sure as he wasnt f***ing swearing.


Active Member
Hehe, the prices were just for a dig at Lofty's stupid comments :)

Have you had success in the HP


Active Member
We believe in support contracts for various reasons, although value of money could be argued, you're not just paying for support.

You're paying for hardware replacements;
You're paying for the commitment from the support company;
You're paying for guaranteed and premium response times.

It's by far not just for support on its own :)