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Calling All Tea Drinkers!



New Member
Hi there,

If you drink tea and like the idea of a quality cuppa, then you might like to take advantage of Jenier Teas 'first order' offer. We stock over 100 teas including black, green, white, oolong, rooibos, herbal and fruit teas together with associated tea wares. Whether you like Earl Grey or Chamomile, Assam or Darjeeling, Rooibos or flavoured green, whatever your taste we believe we have a tea you'll really enjoy. We also offer a luxury gift service on all products and to celebrate our launch, Jenier Teas would like to offer all SBF members 10% off your first order. Simply go to Jenier Teas, UK's Top quality 'teas for health' store, green tea, oolong tea, white tea, rooibos tea, t-sacs, tea ware. and use the following discount code at the checkout: SBFMEMBER

We look forward to serving you tea!

kindest regards



New Member
Hi Anita ...... welcome back.

I had a good look around your website (whilst drinking yet another dreaded cup of coffee)

Really liked the site .... excellent selection of teas so if you'll excuse the link - I'm going to take 'a leaf' out of your book and be in touch shortly.



New Member
Hi John,

Sorry not been back in touch - all the family have had a really rotten 'flu' like bug so I've been really busy looking after everyone. Anyway - many thanks for your comments and as we discussed I'll get some information sent over to you very shortly.

Thanks again for your support and comments,

kindest regards


Tony C. Byrd

New Member

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