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Book Competition - The 15 Essential Marketing Masterclasses For Your Small Business

  • Thread starter Scottish Business Owner
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Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
Just finished reading this book and it's excellent. Full of brilliant ideas and perfect for small businesses :)

So why not take part in our wee competition to win a copy!
Practical and proven masterclasses for simple and effective small business marketing

This straightforward, practical book cuts through the morass of marketing theory to reveal the practical steps that small businesses can take to achieve phenomenal marketing results.

Presenting fifteen comprehensive masterclasses, marketing expert Dee Blick presents easy-to-understand and easy-to-implement strategies to increase sales, prevent marketing mistakes, and build the foundations of a customer-driven brand.

These fifteen comprehensive masterclasses can be implemented immediately, and cover such topics as marketing plans, copywriting, social media marketing, and public relations.

  • Written by successful author and marketing guru who has worked with small businesses for twenty-seven years
  • Includes practical, effective marketing strategies for every small business
  • Appropriate for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and practicing marketing managers
When it comes to marketing a small business, success means getting a big impact from a small investment. The 15 Essential Marketing Masterclasses for Your Small Business gives entrepreneurs and small business owners proven strategies for effective, profitable marketing.