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Boat classifieds for lease



New Member
Do you know of anyone that has an interest in boats, selling boats or perhaps just a bit of an entrepreneur?

I own which is free to use for buying & selling boats & equipment, I am however looking to lease the domain out, website can be included. All boats have been listed by website visitors, you can see some of the motor boats listed just this month here.

I am sure a boat broker would be able to monetise this site and perhaps use it for their own sales & stock or you could charge for listings, the site is almost 5 years old and ranks top 10 in Google UK for things like:
boats for sale
sell your boat
sell boats
boat for sale
boats 4 sale
narrow boats for sale
boats for sale uk
boat sale

If you know of anyone that would be interested please let me know, I would be happy to pay a


New Member
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