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As a self-employed person, could you go back to a 9-to-5 job?



I have worked for myself for more than a decade and must be honest; I would find it a struggle to go back to a traditional office environment. I can pick and choose when I work, pick and choose who I mix with and ultimately have full control of my business. Does anyone else feel the same?


New Member
Ive thought about getting a job and even went to a few interviews but I can not see me settling in to a position where people are being incompetent and not caring about what they are doing. It would be hard.


Active Member
I totally agree, the hardest thing would be the fact that as a self-employed person you make a mistake you suffer the consequences. That is not always the case in the workplace when you have work colleagues. Very often the workload will be unequal and colleague efficiencies can vary hugely. I prefer to work for myself so that I take the rap for any mistakes I make.


New Member
No way, I worked as a freelancer and now get employed to a company with flexible schedule, so I won`t do it anymore


New Member
Don't know about you chaps but my self employment is home based , computer work. Very quiet, the atmosphere actually begins to make you feel lonely.

Tend to lean on getting a part time job to run alongside it. Something that gets me out and speaking to people face to face.
jason lusive

jason lusive

New Member
I would not go back, because I get used to work when and how I want and recieve more money that at a day job.