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Apprentice dismissal rights?


danny regan

New Member
Hello, I need some help/advice , I have been on an apprenticeship program for around 4-5 months now and I am currently cautionary suspended! I will tell you the story and then please leave your advice for me,

I started my apprenticeship and it started well, there has been a feud in the workplace for a long time before my arrival between the supervisor (my main contact and who I stay with all times) and other colleagues, there has been an ongoing arguments for a long while anyway, one day I was working with a colleague who tried to give me advice on not to speak to the people who are in charge of me and who are teaching me, I then relayed that to my main contact because I felt uncomfortable with it, the person I told then confronted the colleague who had told me and said I had made it all up, I then walked into the garage where this was happening and said it did happen and then I said I did not wish to carry it on and walked out of the unit to have a cigarette , the other colleague then attacked me from behind by grabbing me by the neck (scratches and bruises) and started shouting at me threatening me I feared for myself as I seen him clench his fist so I grabbed his arms and pushed him against the wall restraining him , I then loosened my grip and he then tried to assault me again so in self defence I grabbed him and threw him on the ground and we was wrestling on the ground before other colleagues broke this up, this was all caught on CCTV of him grabbing me round the neck and then us grappling and wrestling on the ground , I was suspended and currently still am and I am waiting to hear what action will be taken wether there is a case to answer or not, I am concerned for my apprenticeship and feel the 2 months I have been suspended have greatly jeapordised my path to qualification as I am not being taught, also I started in February and they did not start my course till April which I feel was inapropriate on there behalf as I was meant to start college that same week then when they finally started me on my course I was told my course had been changed to me learning the trade on site rather than go to college so I started doing that for 2 months, please can someone give me advice on what to do as I fear I may be dismissed and I feel that would be very unfair but have been told I can't claim unfair dismissal due to only being there a couple of months , is wrongful dismissal an option! Please can someone help me out , thank you. Also it is a 2 year apprenticeship


I'm going to ask you a slightly different question - would you feel comfortable working there after what happened?

danny regan

New Member
Yes more than happy i still get on greatly with the other staff and they all are supporting me , I just want to know what I can do if I am sacked any legal action


New Member
Danny you need some better source of advice than a discussion board can provide. Have you heard of the Citizen's Advice Bureau?


New Member
Sorry I started to reply and a customer came into the shop and needed help so I'm trying again, CAB which is short for 'The Citizen's Advice Bureau' is an organisation set up to provide advice on all sorts of things and one of them is employment law and employment problems. I think you should try to get an appointment at your nearest Bureau (their advice is free) and explain the problem to them. If you type The Citizen's Advice Bureau followed by the name of the town where you live into a search engine, it should bring up your nearest CAB. If it doesn't, try adding the name of the nearest bigger town or city.