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Advice on contract cancellation clauses



New Member
The Scenario:
My boss signed a contract 1 month before I started that included 9 cancellation clauses, but none in favour of the client (us) - they were all how the supplier can cancel.
The contract related to some digital services that were vague and generic. He still signed it and I accept that mistake. We are at month 1 of the contract.

The Position Now:
I want to cancel the contract as the supplier offers no real value now (I can do all of their work). I have allowed them to repitch a new set of services but these are still insufficient. I have offered them a 3 month payment for no services incurred, but they are refusing this and expecting the 12 month contract to be fulfilled.

I have 2 questions:
- A legal way to cancel the contract (distance selling and voting off don't apply)
- Suggestions as to other tactics - how we negotiate, how I talk, how I make it difficult for them etc

All help is warmly appreciated!