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4 Man Tent family pack for sale

  • Thread starter Scottish Business Owner
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Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
Hi All,

Been having a bit of a clear out today and wondered if anybody would be interested in a four man tent pack I have. We bought this last year from Halfords for around
Power Lunch Club

Power Lunch Club

New Member
The best thing about camping is, going down to the local hotel where you are staying and getting your meals!!
The best thing about camping is, going down to the local hotel where you are staying and getting your meals!!

MANY years ago I used to regularly get comp tickets to various music festivals. The only thing was my girlfriend, Fiona. Her idea of roughing it was a THREE star hotel! So mt 'free' tickets would aye cost me a fortune in taxis and Hotel bills. Well that's what you get for going out with a posh bint who's Da owns Two Chinese restaurants and four take-aways. That and very VERY fat from all the free food!

I have to say that even now I remain convinced of her point of view :D. though am now allergic to fried rice and mud :D

, let me know via PM how much you need for this and I'll ask around.
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Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
Sorry Matt, I meant to post a while ago as it's already gone! It was snapped up quite quickly :)