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30 Great Marketing Ideas [infographic]

  • Thread starter Scottish Business Owner
  • Start date
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
Here's a great infographic with lots of inspired ideas.

What's your thoughts? Would you add anything else to this list?

Is there anything you've tried in this list that's worked particularly well?

Gemma Rowlands

Gemma Rowlands

New Member
This is a great infographic. One thing I would like to comment on is the fact that customer reviews really are vital, and when you get positive reviews it can seriously encourage other people to use your services. I would also say that you have to allow your feedback to be publicly viewable - whether good or bad. Of course, the best way to avoid bad feedback is not to give bad service, but it can look VERY suspicious when a company has 100% positive feedback. Unless, of course, you've genuinely received only positive feedback, in which case: great!