Table of Contents
Anything that is in daily usage, you have to make sure it’s in good shape and operating with all relevant health and safety standards, which means testing and removing anything that doesn’t meet the health and safety standard regularly.
It is always best to be safe than sorry when it comes to warehouse management, so ensuring that you schedule daily visual inspections, as well as annual rack inspections, will save you time and money in the long run.
Failure to perform routine checks by a competent individual may result in liability if an incident occurs. The same goes for failure to fix or replace damaged or defective equipment properly.
Annual Racking Inspection
To comply with the European Standard EN 15635 Steel Static Storage Systems, you need to have documents showing that you have done an annual inspection.
Storage Equipment Installation and Maintenance includes guidance concerning the inspection of racking structures. Section Expert inspections state that the inspections shall be carried out at intervals of no more than twelve months by a professionally trained person. A written report with findings and recommendations for any appropriate action shall be submitted to the PRSES.
Weekly Racking Checks
A weekly visual inspection is enough. Section Visual Inspections EN15635 states that’ the PRSES (Person responsible for the protection of storage equipment) shall ensure that inspections are carried out at weekly or other routine intervals based on a risk assessment.
Maintain A Formal Written Record.
The difference between weekly and annual racking checks is a knowledgeable staff member who knows what they are searching for, knows how to report any findings and will carry out weekly tests.
A technically knowledgeable person must carry out an annual audit, with a much greater understanding of pallet racking systems.
Damage Classification
Green: Damage to be monitored
The area within the SEMA approved limits and does not require a reduction in carrying ability or an immediate repair.
The field will be marked at the next annual inspection for further consideration.
Amber: Hazardous Damage
The area where the damage is sufficiently serving to warrant remedial work but not sufficiently serving to justify the rack being immediately removed. When the load is removed in the area, it can not be reloaded until the repairs are completed. If adequate repairs are not carried out within four weeks, the amber risk item immediately becomes a Red Risk item.
Red Risk: Very Serious Damage
Areas where a significant damage level is detected that requires the immediate offload of racks before repair work is completed and the affected area must not be used and cordoned off.